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late aim indication

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late aim indication

Post by Zyfex » Mon Apr 04, 2016 1:52 am

if the player tries to aim up/down at the right time after shooting a pump-action or a sniper, there will be no indication to others that they are aiming until its too late

note: this has always existed with the pump-action but only recently for the sniper (when bolt action was added)
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Post by JakSparro98 » Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:11 am

 ! Message from: KliPeH
Merged new thread with an old one as the issue seems to persist and perhaps can be fixed easily.
The sniper and the pump shotgun are the only weapons (I think) that have an animation of reloading between shots, if you enable the manual aim after it's begun and before ends the crosshair will appear and the weapon angle won't affected.

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