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Bazooka Missile Vanishes

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Bazooka Missile Vanishes

Post by RickAvory » Tue Jul 17, 2018 7:40 am

Hi. So the other day I witnessed one of the strangest bugs that I have ever seen in Superfighters Deluxe. To be frank, I have no explanation for what happened, and I dont even know how to describe it. So I will just show you.

Not really sure what was going on here. I joined a random server where someone was hosting "Zombie Nightmare" with Infinite Health and Bazookas. My ping was quite high, but not extremely high. It seems to me that the bazooka animation or sound must have encountered an error and caused some extremely bizarre behavior, such as launching the player who shot the missile backward or completely vaporizing opponents without even a direct hit.

I am wondering if this bug is common, since this is the first time I have encountered the bug or something that I (and the other people in the server) have only encountered, but i thought I would let this bug be known anyways, as the bug is still relevant.
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Post by piterskiy » Tue Jul 17, 2018 2:03 pm

this bug is fully client-side. yea, this can happen if you have big ping, but for other players its ok
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Post by Sree » Tue Jul 17, 2018 2:19 pm

Judging by the video, I believe that it's the server which was malfunctioning.

I presume what happened at 0:24 was just an animation defect, The rocket probably did impact near the ladder as expected but It seemed not to because the connection delay tricked the game engine into thinking that the rocket has not impacted yet and rendered the rocket to keep projecting forward.

The delay was probably the cause for what happened at 0:27 too, It might have looked like the rocket hit you but the rocket possibly just hit the counter on which the other player was standing on, which is why it resulted in just a knock back instead of you getting gibbed.
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Post by Gurt » Tue Jul 17, 2018 5:36 pm

The client side prediction can fail due to small variations in the non-deterministic box2D engine and due to latency (especially high latency). This happens with all kind of projectiles, not just bazookas, and other objects as well. But for bazookas it's more noticeable if you don't see or hear the explosion which can also happen due to packages being dropped (which also happens in a real, not perfect, world). This is just a visual side-effect from the client-side prediction failing given the specific circumstances you're in.
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