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Multinade throwing in air

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Multinade throwing in air

Post by Zyfex » Wed Mar 16, 2016 7:46 pm

fighters can perform multiple grenade throws and jump kicks if they cook the grenade while in air, kick, throw grenade, repeat.

Pre-Alpha 1.8.8

Note: Originally found by Zyfex
1 x
but in reality

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SFD Alias: (LM) Wozenbelt
Started SFD: Pre-Alpha 1.1.1

Post by Wozenbelt » Mon Jun 20, 2016 9:55 pm

The root of the issue seems to be that using a throwable cancels a kick, midair or otherwise. I wonder why this bug hasn't been resolved yet.

EXTRA NOTE: If you've already primed your throwable [held down the throwing button], you can also cancel the kick with aiming.
1 x
i got wozen fever

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