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Status Update 2019-12-01

Status updates from MythoLogic Interactive about the game progress.
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Status Update 2019-12-01

Post by Gurt » Sun Dec 01, 2019 2:22 pm

A little Status Update for you.

One year has passed since we released the game on Steam.

I still remember the stress and enjoy the days before and after releasing it 30th november 2018.

The past days have also been crazy as we have more than 175 recent reviews on Steam, I'm flabbergasted! (175 recent reviews at the time of writing this topic)

As of now the development on SFD is slow/paused and we're both experimenting with Unity with our own little projects, learning from them before getting into our next game.

I haven't worked on SFD for some month now and it feels damn relaxing after years of tinkering with it.

My plan for SFD during the vacation in December is to work on SFD a bit and make the harder bots more prominent to block thrown items and projectiles in close range which they cannot do now. That's the last thing I really want the bots to be able to do. Everyhing else when it comes to the bots planned features will be considered a potential bonus for future updates >if< I find inspiration :)

Next year we will probably start looking into the first other digital platform where we will release SFD.

Thanks for a wonderful first year on Steam!

If you haven't seen the original Superfighters you can download and play it from
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Post by Del Poncho » Sun Dec 01, 2019 3:52 pm

So what you're saying is that Superfighters 3D made with Unity is around the corner, got it.

Also TIL that flabbergasted is a word.
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Post by Mighty Spirit the 2 » Sun Dec 01, 2019 5:24 pm

Please release on :)

PS: Will you ever consider the possibility to host on older versions of SFD, when support for the Steam version ends?
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Post by Scout[tf2] » Mon Dec 02, 2019 2:17 pm

Any chance we get new clothes?
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Post by Rada » Mon Dec 02, 2019 3:09 pm

You would have a good opportunity to give us ugly christmas sweaters for xmas.🎄
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Mighty Spirit the 2
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Post by Mighty Spirit the 2 » Sat Dec 07, 2019 6:10 pm

OREO wrote:
Sat Dec 07, 2019 2:04 am
1) You guys are going to make the bots really good!

2)You're going to add jetpacks and grappling hooks!
1) I wish, but go play SF 1, the bots are OP, and don't even throw grenades.

2) Can't somebody make a script for that?
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🎶I will tell your story if you die
I will tell your story and keep you alive the best i can
But I've always had the feeling we would die young
Some die young

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