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Superfighters Deluxe 1.3.5 is out!

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Superfighters Deluxe 1.3.5 is out!

Post by Hjarpe » Mon Mar 23, 2020 7:26 pm


* Updated Game.GetObjectsByArea(...) to include a second parameter (PhysicsLayer.Active | PhysicsLayer.Background | PhysicsLayer.All) to be able to get objects from the background Box2D world (where FarBg objects and PathNode objects are).
* Added IObject.GetPhysicsLayer() to be able to read if an object is in the Background or Active Physics layer.
* Added CollisionFilter.AbsorbProjectile and RayCastInput.AbsorbProjectile to be able to filter if projectiles are absorbed on hit or not.
* Added float IObjectWeaponItem.DespawnTime, void IObjectWeaponItem.SetDespawnTime(int despawnTimeMs), bool IObjectWeaponItem.Despawning, IObjectWeaponItem.BreakOnDrop, IObjectWeaponItem.SetBreakOnDrop(bool value) to be able to control how items are despawned (with a few exceptions, see the ScriptAPI documentation for details).
* Added IPlayer.InThrowingMode to be able to see if the player has toggled to throwing mode.
* Added IObjectTimerTrigger.ResetTrigger(), IObjectTimerTrigger.StopTimer(), IObjectTimerTrigger.StartTimer(), IObjectTimerTrigger.IsTimerRunning to be able to stop/start/reset timers through code.
* Added IObjectAlternatingTrigger.ResetTrigger() which restarts the trigger at the first item.
* Added IObjectWeaponItem IPlayer.Disarm(WeaponItemType weaponType, Vector2 velocity) to be able to make players drop any weapon at any time.
* Added IPlayer.DealDamage(float damage) to be able to deal "misc/other" damage according to the built in rules for players in the game.
* Added Events.PlayerWeaponAddedActionCallback, Events.PlayerWeaponRemovedActionCallback to be able to listen when items are added or removed from player equipment (for example when a player grabs items, drops items, or throws items, or when a script removes/adds items etc.). See documentation for more details.
* Added IPlayer.GetWeaponMuzzleInfo(..), IPlayer.GetWeaponLazerInfo(..) to get world position and direction from an equipped weapon to be able to read where projectiles should be spawned if you're creating custom projectiles.
* Added Game.WriteToConsole(param object[] message) and Game.WriteToConsoleF(string format, param object[] args) for some quicker formatting.
* Fixed a NullReferenceException when using Game.CreateObject() in ObjectDamageCallback.
* Fixed a bug where LocalStorage and GlobalStorage wouldn't properly save empty arrays, causing them to be read as an array of length 1.
* Fixed a bug where damage from SawBlades and StreetsweeperBlades would count towards TotalMeleeDamageTaken instead of TotalOtherDamageTaken in the IPlayer.Statistics.
* Fixed the default "My Project" label in the documentation to "Superfighters Deluxe".
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Post by Mighty Spirit the 2 » Wed Mar 25, 2020 10:34 pm

OREO wrote:
Wed Mar 25, 2020 7:42 pm
1) Allow bots to use everything in their arsenal (like the ability to throw, and maybe even give them map awareness of explosives, but that might be a stretch)
I agree, i think bots should be improved for a much better singleplayer experience. But in addition to the points above, make the AI really smart - allow bots to learn and mercilessly abuse exploits: Barrel jumping, stunlocks, punch cancels, Superpunch cooldown cancel.... etc. Probably would have to add difficulty level: Insane. This would make them play aggresive like in Superfighters 1, making them almost unstoppable and harder than human opponents. :ugeek:
OREO wrote:
Wed Mar 25, 2020 7:42 pm
2) Add the most anticipated weapon (well at least for me):
The grappling hook.
Couldn't people add this with scripts maybe? Like a modefication of the spider script: (watch redacted from 0:23) But idk cause i've no idea about what script limitations are.
Personally I would rather prefer a rework of the drone into a better weapon. But to each his own, because i think everybody has their own "most anticipated weapon"
But i too understand that it would mean a lot of work.
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🎶I will tell your story if you die
I will tell your story and keep you alive the best i can
But I've always had the feeling we would die young
Some die young

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