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Status Update 2020-09-07

Status updates from MythoLogic Interactive about the game progress.
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Re: Status Update 2020-09-07

Post by Hjarpe » Sat Nov 21, 2020 12:28 am

Odex64 wrote:
Wed Nov 18, 2020 9:07 pm
Yeah, devs don't have to worry so much and there are specific settings to avoid mentions or direct-messages from unknown users, however we also need a solid moderation team (or some BOTS) to keep the chats clean (yes, there are BOTS to do some special and automatic actions in discord, so it's even easier to manage all the players). And as @Noble said we can make some polls for the feedbacks.

If Hjarpe and Gurt agree, we can start making a "special" group with all the mods in it, so we can accurately discuss and decide what's next.
Sounds spiffing, lads. I'm currently so busy I don't know where I live or what year it is. But if you guys (the mods) wanna set up a fancy server with all the appropriate groups, settings, categories, banhammer-wielding bots, Hashtags, MySpaces and whatnot -- in other words, if all Gurt and I have to do is provide our feedback, some art assets and the final stamp of Official, I don't see why not!
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Post by Odex64 » Sat Nov 21, 2020 1:49 pm

Great! We are going to create it but we still need your thoughts to polish up last things; PM us your discord TAG when you've got some free time :). We will start to create the basis for the "MythoLogic Interactive" server in meanwhile..
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Post by Mighty Spirit the 2 » Sat Nov 21, 2020 7:17 pm

Noble wrote:
Wed Nov 18, 2020 9:38 pm
So, since a while ago, there was this rumors and hysteria going on like this game had its potential ruined, it probably didn't make any sense and felt like a very sudden blow to Gurt and Hjarpe.
I'm not going to speak for others here, but for me it's because the game was better before.
Noble wrote:
Wed Nov 18, 2020 9:38 pm
But well, the community itself is divided, there are people that plays the game casually, and people like me that simply loves the competition, so it probably always felt like the devs never looked into this aspect of the game, or never cared about the events, game balancements, competitive players and clans. I used to think that before becoming a mod in here.
I like the undeterministic factors of the game, it's wacky and fun, yet it never ceased me from flawlessly beat the ass of someone worse than me at the game,
You do realize that the game's much less competitive today than what it was like 2 years ago, right? Back then skill actually had a lot to say, but today you can just grab a couple of shuriken and "get lucky" and have incendiary ammo and chainsaw and bow and effortlessly murder a whole bunch of players. One day your win ration can be extremely high, and the next you can hardly even get a single win. Does skill really mean so little in this game anymore? Some days you can just get the most OP weapons every round, like how the hell is this balanced? I've personally been beaten up by a whole bunch of players "worse than me at the game" simply because they had weapons that can hardly be justified. If the weapon your holding in your hand means more then the skill that you possess, i really don't think you can even consider versus competitive anymore. It's not even the same game that it was 2 years ago. I'm not sure where you are playing, but I'm using my knowledge from Blurry's.
Noble wrote:
Wed Nov 18, 2020 9:38 pm
so I think nothing is wrong with how the game is now
Oh really? So there's nothing wrong with having infinity combos on official maps (because of changes done to the game), combos that literally break animations and have no counter and and a melee system so stiff and stactic and shallow that rewards low ping way more then pre-Steam versions of the game? If so, i really don't understand what you mean with "loves the competition", a competitive game shouldn't be this broken. Like i get why melee needed "to be fixed" but wow the fix that was applied introduced bigger problems to the game. I mean the exploits don't even require skill anymore, at least back then the double hit move did in a sense and it was fair because everyone could use it regardless of ping.
Noble wrote:
Wed Nov 18, 2020 9:38 pm
like can you imagine Hjarpe's perspective? I would be "What the fuck should we do?"
I get that they don't have the time or sense of urgency to fix the problems this game has acquired. So releasing the older versions of the game on Steam as an alternative option would please a lot of players and boost the player count.
Noble wrote:
Wed Nov 18, 2020 9:38 pm
So imagine me as this one new buyer, bought the game, and nothing else matters to me more than the game durability, which means there's not much for me to do if the players stopped playing because of a paywall or any shit, and because the devs never challenged the players, made an official Discord server, made any events the game has been inactive and won't update anymore, it felt like the devs kind of abandoned the game instantly after it launched and expected it to live on its own and because of that less people will buy the game as well. But the game never depended on this to be popular before, this has to be wrong, so why?
Because the game was free.
Noble wrote:
Wed Nov 18, 2020 9:38 pm
But I really think the game life depends on the devs and how they interact and challenge the community. I'm not saying that out of the blue, I observe other games doing the same thing.
I agree.

@Vitamin E Funny you should say that. 2 Months ago you said:
Vitamin E wrote: I don’t blame you for feeling how you feel. If I were you, I would feel exactly as you do. The 12 pounds you spent on this game were absolutely wasted and this game is a massive disappointment.
in a discussion the developers locked.
I'm very grateful for the pre-Steam version of SuperFighters Deluxe, not the current iteration.

I've already said pretty much everything i have to say, but I'm happy that at least it seems like my complaining actually helped stir up enough attention for more people to involve themselves and somewhat progress this community. As a bonus i also asked around a bit while playing online and it seems like most players agree with me that it would be a great decision to release playable older versions of the game + it will trigger some nostalgia.
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Post by Vitamin E » Sun Nov 22, 2020 12:52 am

If you read what I wrote, it says “if I were you, I would feel exactly as you do”. In this case I can say the same thing. If I were you, I would feel the exact same way you do, except I am not you; since I’m not you, I don’t feel the way you feel.

In the case of that specific quote you brought up, I was trying to appeal to the poster to hopefully end the long and unnecessary argument of whether the game is worth someone’s money or not. I have learned that if you want to get someone to understand your way of thinking, arguing and telling people they’re wrong is not the proper way to go about it. First you have to care about what the other person thinks before you can convince them of anything else.
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