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Status update 2020-11-14

Status updates from MythoLogic Interactive about the game progress.
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Status update 2020-11-14

Post by Gurt » Sat Nov 14, 2020 10:53 am

Status update 2020-11-14

We just released the source codes for Barbarian Onslaught and Barbarian Onslaught: The Secret of Steel, our first flash games. You can find them here

What about Superfighters?
We will not release the source code for Superfighters just yet. This is because we have someone working on an HTML5 port for that game. Don't worry, the game won't die together with Flash. The source code will eventually be available but not for some time.

For Superfighters Deluxe I will probably do some code crunching again in december during the holidays. I have some things I want to improve, some recent suggestions and whatnot. But we will see how much time I'm willing to spend.
10 x

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