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Turn on sudden death when one of the last 2 teams only have one player left.

Here you can find ScriptAPI suggestions implemented in the game.
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Turn on sudden death when one of the last 2 teams only have one player left.

Post by mgtr14 » Mon Aug 10, 2020 10:11 pm

I don't see why this isn't activated for such situations, it's fitting and it means the team with more players will go on the offensive which they probably have the option to do.
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Shut up bitch!!

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Post by Gurt » Wed Aug 12, 2020 8:27 pm

Adding to the ScriptAPI Game.ForceStartSuddenDeath(int suddenDeathTimeSeconds) so scripts can be created to active the sudden death whenever they want. Only works if sudden death is not yet activated. Allows you to change the timer too from the default 45 seconds.
2 x
